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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
JUMBO KIDS +cartoons 16
JUNGLE MAGIC +cartoons tree 3
JUNIOR'S BUDS +cartoons 25
JUNIORS +cartoons 21
JUNO ice cream +cartoons 30
JUSS PLAY +cartoons 25
JUST BAKED +cartoons of che 43
JUST FOR KIDS +cartoons 3
cartoons 35
K.H.A toys BABY +cartoons 28
KAALEEN +cartoons 27
cartoons 30
KALA BHOOT +cartoons 30
KAMAL ASSORTED +cartoons 30, 35
KAMCO CHOCO GAMES +cartoons 30
KARAMANCHI snacks +cartoons 30
cartoons 30
KATTI BATTI ROLLY +cartoons 30
KATTI BATTI VITTI +cartoons 30
KAWAN +cartoons 30
KAYO +cartoons & stars 12
KAYO +stars arc & cartoons 35
cartoons 30
KETLI THE TEA BAR +cartoons 43
KHAFIF +cartoons 30
KID'S CAMPUS +cartoons 41
KIDDE LAND +cartoons 25
KIDDIELAND +cartoons 41
KIDDY WORLD +cartoons 38
KIDIZYME KUBS +cartoons 5
KIDS 2 TEENS +cartoons 41
KIDS CAPTAIN +cartoons 25
KIDS CASTLE +cartoons 41
KIDS DYNY +cartoons 3, 5, 10
KIDS FOR TIGERS +cartoons 16
KIDS FUN +cartoons 30
KIDS PLAY +cartoons 30
KIDS SUNDAY FUN +cartoons 41
KIDS TREASURES +cartoons 35
KIDS WHO KNOW +cartoons 9, 16, 25, 28, 41
KIDS shoes +cartoons 25
KIDYCARE +cartoons 16
KIDZ-OH-FROLIC +cartoons 41
KIDZ-ON-WHEELZ +cartoons 12
cartoons 41
KIDZVILLA +hut & cartoons 25, 35
cartoons 41
KINDER ORCHID +cartoons 41
KINDER WORLD +cartoons 41
KLUB YOYO +cartoons squares 41
KOOL KIDS BY BATA +cartoons 25
KOOL KIDZ +cartoons 41
KORES ELEGANT +cartoons 16
KOTI & KATLI +cartoons 9, 16, 41
KOXI FROTI +cartoons 30
KROAKIN' KARAOKE +cartoons 41
KUN-FU +cartoons 30
KUR MURE +cartoons 30
KUTTY PAPPA ZONE +cartoons 41
KWIKEAL +cartoons 5
LA-DE-DAH +cartoons 42
LAI LAPPA +cartoons 30
LALLU PANJU +cartoons 28
cartoons 16
cartoons 30
LAUREL AND HARDY +cartoons 16
LAYA +cartoons of girls 43
LE YANG YANG +cartoons 25
cartoons 16
LGRAMCD +cartoons 41
LINBU TINBU +cartoons 41
LITTLE AVATHAR +cartoons 16
LITTLE BOBDOG +cartoons 25
LITTLE BUDDY +cartoons 41
LITTLE CRAZY +cartoons 25
cartoons 41
LITTLE MISS +cartoons 16
LITTLE MONSTERS +cartoons 25
LONGMAN BOOM BOOM +cartoons 12
LONGMAN TINY TOTS +cartoons 12
LOONY DUDES +cartoons 31
LOOTPAAT DON +cartoons 30
LOVE THERAPY +cartoons 3, 18, 25
LUFF LUFFS +cartoons 41
M & M'S +cartoons 30
M +cartoons 14, 18, 21, 26, 28, 30, 31, 35, 41
M TINY TATA +cartoons 25
MAARON STORES.COM +cartoons 35
MAD BEANS +cartoons & squar 9, 16, 41
MAD BEANS +cartoons squares 42
MADHUR +cartoons 16
MAGIC BOLL +cartoons 30
MAGIC SNACKS +cartoons 30
MAGIC STUDIO +cartoons 29
MAGISCH +cartoons 30
MAHINDRA SAHYOG +cartoons 12
MAIPN +cartoons & oval 9
cartoons 16
MALBROX JUNIOR +cartoons 5
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